As the first year has gone by, I would say that I've had many highs and lows from my Digital Media Foundations.
I started the year off rather excited, especially since I did not have any expectations of what the course would be like. When I first heard that we were going to be writing on blogs, I was slightly nervous. The idea of having to publicly write down my experiences, along with my thoughts and feeling was slightly scary to me because I wouldn’t know who would be seeing my blogs. However, as time went by, I slowly but surely got used to writing in my blogs. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how to do new things, such as using Stop Motion, audacity, Premiere Pro, and more. I will admit to finding some of the software difficult to use, such as photoshop, and Illustrator. However, I am adamant to keep on learning how to use them, so that I can be able to create more projects. My favourite project/ assignment was probably using Stop Motion. Even though it took such a long time, I remember having so much fun, and I will definitely make more short videos using the app. Another thing I genuinely enjoyed was doing the interactive website in collaboration with
a few friends. I loved creating something that was able to show all of us together, but also us as individuals. In conclusion, I would say that despite me having to do a few projects I did not enjoy, overall I learned many new skills and I really enjoyed the classes I had. I am very much looking forward to what next year has to offer, and the challenges that will come along with it.
(This photo is of the view of Kingston from the University).
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