For this “assignment”, my classmates and I had to come up with an interactive website, which included audio. I decided to work with some friends of mine since I personally believed that we are all such creative people, and together we could share our ideas and turn it into something fun and unique.
We had decided to use Wix as the website for our interactivity since it is rather easy to use, and had various templates for us to choose from as the base of our website. Originally, it was meant to be four of us in a group which is why the name is AHEM (an acronym of our names). To make things easier, our fifth member was added on as a feature. The main page has a picture of all five of us, photoshopped into a background of outer space. We all thought it would be a fun idea, and also make us in a way stand out, or appear to be “out of this world”.
Once you click on the picture of us, it shall take you down to the second page, which has four photos of (the original) members of the group, made into one collage picture. Originally, we wanted to have an individual sound for all of us, but at the last minute we decided to use audio from one of the members, Emma’s birthday party. The reason for adding this audio was because we really enjoyed ourselves that day, and thought it would be a good audio to represent us as a whole but also individually, since we all sang in our first language.
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